10 Things That Give Me Spring Fever

I am sick on a beautiful sunny day.  I only wish for rain when I feel like this.  But all this sunshine has got me thinking.

Here are 10 things that give me Spring Fever!

1. Floral sculpted nesting bowls from spoonsisters.com would look gorgeous as a centerpiece and with 4 bowls, they are so functional.  Who needs storage when you can keep these on display?  The $33 price tag doesn’t hurt either 🙂

2. The Zanzi wedge by Christian Siriano for Payless.  Yes. Payless.  This guy is a shoe genius and for around $50, these bad boys have my name written all over them!


3.  Pretty pink doily placemats from Urban Outfitters are vinyl which means easy clean up.  Leave it to UO to make a doily look modern and chic.  Oh yeah, did I mention each one is only 3 bucks?

4.  A yellow trench coat for those April showers.  Talk about brightening up a dreary day!  How cute is this?!?! Seriously!

5. Bright green wheatgrass all around the home.  Nothing says(or smells like) spring like beautiful pops of green grass.  This is going on my to-do list. 

6. A floral sundress that’s toughened up by a denim jacket.  Rachel Bilson rocks this outfit.  Floral prints scream spring. The jean jacket keeps the dress looking casual, plus it’s still too cool outside for bare shoulders. I’d wear this wearing some spiky leather booties :).

7.  A cheerful sheer scarf is a must for spring.  You can wear it around your neck, wrapped around your wrist,  wear it as a belt, or tie it to your purse.  These never go out of style.  These are from JC Pennys for $18, but you can find them anywhere.

8. Blush makes me feel feminine, and this is the season where everything looks a little more girly. A little bit of bronzer along my forehead and temples make me look alive and not so pasty. Nars is known for their blush.  I have this duo the colors are orgasm (their universally flattering best-seller) and laguna.

9. Essie nail polish in Limo-scene is my go-to color.  It is a sheer barely pinkish white.  It always makes my hands looking well-kept and clean. I’m right-handed, so when I make a mess of my right hand (and I’m painting with my left), the damage is minimal 🙂  This color looks great on toes too!

10.  J Crew applique tees are the sophisticated big sister of the fitted tee.  These shirts can do no wrong. They are always feminine, always fit right, and have something special about them.

10 responses to “10 Things That Give Me Spring Fever

  1. I have a love hate relationship with Essie, I love the colors they produce, but when I put them on, I’m disappointed. Not only that, but they don’t wear very well.

  2. That is the cutest trench coat! With my luck, I would look like the sun if I wore it but I still think it’s adorable.

  3. I have my eye on a yellow dress I saw in a JC Penny’s commercial…I’m crossing my fingers that it’s as cute in person as it is on tv!


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