Happy Valentines Day

Since my husband and I are going on vacation soon, we didn’t go nuts for Valentine’s Day. Tonight’s dinner will be one of his favorites. Chicken parmigiana. I’m going to make this dinner 2 ways. The traditional way, and the FSL way. Stay tuned for that recipe tomorrow ;). A friend of the family gave us a wonderful gift yesterday. Home made white wine!! When things are home-made, they mean so much more (and taste so much better!).

Do you exchange gifts on V-Day? Are they big blow out gifts like diamond bracelets or thoughtful gifts?

6 responses to “Happy Valentines Day

  1. Happy Valentine’s day!!!

    My favorite gifts are the small thoughtful ones. The guy who knows to buy me PB&co when I’m out is a keeper! Last year I got the big grand doamond gesture and meh, totally not me. 🙂

  2. We don’t exchange anything big. I got him a card and a big reese heart, he loves those. We went to the movies this past weekend on a little date. It’s just an excuse for us to have date night, which is so rare anymore! I always say, if nothing else, I just want a card and he writes the absolute sweetest things in his cards. That’s perfect to me!! =)

  3. We exchange small gifts, nothing big anymore like we used to do when younger and without money. Now we just buy ourselves whatever we want any other day, so Valentine’s day isn’t such a big deal. We went out Friday night and Sunday night with friends to dinner too!
    Have a great day!

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