Sip on this!

I’ve been on the hunt for inexpensive gifts for secretaries, distant aunts, and other people I’d like to give a little something to for the holidays. These smallish gifts always end up adding up to big bucks. I usually give a Yankee Candle (around $15- $20) or a random generic kind of gift. Lame. This year we have “real” bills, so I was going to have to cut out a few people from the gift list (harsh, but true).

Okay, so my latest blog stalking browsing has been primarily on These guys solved my problem!

How frikkin cute are these mugs?! They made them for only a few bucks each! You can see the whole how-to here.

6 responses to “Sip on this!

  1. I love those too! And the way you wrote the names on there is pretty cool looking!

  2. Pingback: Check out my mug | Finding Silver Linings

  3. I love these! I’ve been looking for those “filler gifts” as I call them and this is a great idea!

  4. Nice idea!

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