Yin Yoga on a snow day

I guess I tapped into something yesterday when I said that I wanted to not work, do yoga, and hang out with my dog.  I must have sent out the vibes.  Today was a no work day for me.  I woke up, went to yoga, went shopping at Pacific Sunwear Outlet, played with Wee Dog, visited my beautiful God daughter Karina, then went to the gym for a sweet shoulder workout & cardio sesh.  All & all, an awesome day. 

image from lightbliss.com

The yoga class I took was called a Yin yoga class.  It was low intensity for the muscles, but was great stretching and maaaajorly mind clearing.  It was exactly what I wanted and needed.   

What is your favorite type of yoga?  Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Bikram….?

4 responses to “Yin Yoga on a snow day

  1. Sounds like a pretty perfect day to me! I havent been to PacSun in forever and never been to one of their outlets……..must research!

    I like vinyasa for the most part but when I am feeling saucy will go to a bikram class (just need to be prepared to sweat every ounce of liquid outta me!!)

    • I hear that! I took Bikram for like 6 months and never knew that I could sweat out of my kneecaps! LOL! I needed to strech & clear my head. I was in a ski accident about a month ago and needed to stretch my ligaments, so this class was it for me!

  2. I’m glad you had a good day. Did you purchase anything at the outlet?

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