Another Snow Day!!!

Wow. So, yeah, um, I am home again. We have another snow day. 2 in a row. This is getting crazy!

Here’s what my snow day looked like yesterday…

We woke up to this lovely view out of our back door

After a brief banana nut oatmeal breakfast, I tossed on my ski gear and went to help my husband clear off some of the back deck (to take the weight off before that collapses too) and with the front yard.  Here’s a glimpse of what we were workin with:

And to my right

Our nieces came by to help and enjoy the snow

My husband made a snow cave out of the giant pile of snow near our driveway for us them to play in on. 

We added in a seat

And we made some decorations by using some plain ole glasses (the same ones I used to make these vases)

Once our lips turned blue from the cold we decided to go inside, we made cupcakes.


We followed that up with a movie of the girls’ choice. 

All in all, it was the best snow day yet.  I do have a sore back from shoveling,  I feel like an old lady. 

Today is yet another snow day.  Yesterday is gonna be hard to top.  I’m going to go to the gym for a nice cardio sesh.  Then, I’m going to return a pair of hideous candle sconces i bought as an impulse buy at Bed Bath and Beyond.  I’ll wander aimlessly around there and hopefully won’t will probably leave with another ridiculous decoration for this house. 


Challenge Day 3

“What are your views on drugs and alochol”

Hmm.   1st off, drugs are illegal. Drugs never lead you down the right path.  When people become addicted, it tears familys apart, and changes people’s lives for the worse.  The most annoying part of it all, is it’s usually NOT the person that is doing the drugs that is most affected by them.  The friends and family get hurt the most. 

As for alcohol, which is legal, I have mixed feelings. A few cocktails with your friends on a Saturday night when you have a designated driver fine.  Waking up and cracking open a beer on a Tuesday is not okay.  If it’s consumed occasionally and responsibly, I’m all for it if that’s your cup of Bailey’s tea  😉 

If you like to enjoy a margarita every now & then, check out my recipe for spicy tequila here.

20 responses to “Another Snow Day!!!

  1. Pingback: Hole Moley! | Finding Silver Linings

  2. Oh my I don’t think that I will complain about the snow we have gotten here since it looks like a dusting compared to what you all have gotten! Really I don’t know that I have ever seen that much snow other than when we lived in Northern California and would go to Tahoe! I guess you really are wishing Spring would go on and get here!

  3. Matt Del Giudice

    Oh yeah, Ern pointed me here. Nice house, nice pics, nice blog!

  4. Matt Del Giudice

    It was 70 and sunny down here today, so I threw on some shorts, took off my shirt and did some yardwork. Ha!

    Although if I had been up in CT I would’ve jumped into those drifts from the roof.

  5. Oh. My.
    I have never had that much snow at my house before. Ever.
    Thank goodness someone invented snow blowers! Though I know you were using a snow shovel 🙂
    How fun is that cave you built with fancy decorations. Those cupcakes are perfect for Valentine’s Day. I wanna have icing smeared on my face like that girl does!

  6. OMG that is a ton of snow!! …glad you made the best of it with your adorable nieces 🙂

  7. That snow is crazy! How do you drive in that? I wouldn’t have the balls to venture out!

    Your ncies are too adorable, it looks like such a fun day and the cupcakes look delicious 🙂

  8. I enjoy reading the challenge as well. It has been too cold up here for snow oh boooo. 😦 We have a ton, but it won’t snow anymore because of the negative temperatures.

  9. wow, thats so serious snow! I bet shoveling is quite the workout. A much needed cupcake to reward. hehe!

  10. I love the snow creations you guys made! I wish I was there too!

    You probably already know, I also agree with your views on #3.

    I like that Challenge thing. Very thought provoking.

  11. SO JEALOUS of all your snow!!!!! I want!

  12. I have never seen that much snow in my life besides on the mountains in colorado. I’m slightly jealous. Can I come play in the snow with you pleaaaase?

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